

Species: Corvus albus, African Pied Crow   •   Hatch Year: 2005     •   Sex: Male   •   Disability: Human Imprint

Friar Tuck was hatched in captivity in 2005 and came to live at the American Eagle Foundation. Upon entering the barn where all the birds are kept, employees and volunteers will call out to Friar Tuck in greeting as they prepare for the day. Tuck’s favorite answer is “What!” or “Hellloooo.” He also mimics “Hi Friar Tuck,” or “Aww Tuck,” and will occasionally yell “Come in!” when he hears a doorbell! Friar Tuck has a very important job at the American Eagle foundation: he takes donations at the end of our ‘Wings of America’ birds of prey show.



Crows are part of the Corvid family, which is thought to be one of the most intelligent group of birds. These birds are very receptive and easily trained.